S K SINGH & ASSOCIATES are one of the top trade mark agent in Kolkata, West Bengal India, also having holding an experience of 10 + years in the matters related to INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION IN KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL.
S K SINGH & ASSOCIATES are an organization quick fix your trademark Problems into Solutions. Our office is located in KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL. Companies can contact us for getting any type of trademark for their firm. From protection and establishment to enforcement of the trademark, our company is instrumental in providing all types of services for getting any trademark conveniently. Our agents can proficiently help the clients in the documentation procedure, If you are seeking expert assistance for trademark requirements, look no further than E- Filling Infotech Private Limited. The company is based in Kolkata (West Bengal, India) and we provide end-to-end solutions complying with the norms of the industry. So, contact us anytime.